Adrinnie K. Kanondo
Adrinnie K. Kanondo and her pastor husband are serving at the Rusangu Secondary School in South Zambia Field in the Zambia Union, Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division. He is the school chaplain, and Adrinnie teaches mathematics. She is also the editor for the South Zambia Field Shepherdess chapter. The Kanondos have three children.
Linda Karges-Bone
Linda Karges-Bone. From Home Life, December 1993. Copyright 1993 The Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Linda Karges-Bone is a professor at Charleston Southern University, Charleston, South Carolina. She is also a writer and a radio program host.
Ellie Kay
Ellie Kay is a bestselling author and radio commentator for “Money Matters.” Her latest release is The New Bride Guide: Everything You Need to Know For Your First Year of Marriage. She is married to an Air Force fighter pilot and they have five school-aged children and two young-adult children. The Kays live in New Mexico.
Lois Keifer
Lois Keifer is an award-winning author and editor who plans never to grow up? Her best-selling books and lively, energetic workshops have inspired teachers around the world
Carol Kent
Carol Kent is an author and speaker living in Port Huron, Michigan.
Grenville Kent
Pastor Grenville Kent is creative director at Adventist Media in Sydney, Australia and a traveling speaker at youth outreaches. He and his wife Carla enjoy surfing, reading and the novelty of parenthood.
Katarina Kernova
Katarina Kernova was born into an atheistic family. She and her husband were baptized in 1976. She wrote about their spiritual journey in a book entitled, The Beautiful Shock. Her husband is now a Seventh-day Adventist pastor. They have five children. Katarina and her husband live in Slovakia. She works as the chief coordinator in a non-government organization called “Life and Health.” She is a lecturer, writer, and radio and TV personality. Katarina enjoys playing volleyball and tennis. She likes to swim and walk in God’s nature, read, sing, and cook healthful meals. One of her life’s creeds is “Let the people, after meeting you, be happier.
Virginia R. Kerr
Virginia R. Kerr writes from Columbia, South Carolina.
Martin Kim
Martin Kim used to serve for Southcenter Seventh-day Adventist Church in Washington Conference. He is now serving as a missionary in a closed country. This article was first printed in Adventist Review online, June 17, 2015. It is reprinted by permission
Hanni Klenk
Hanni Klenk, her ministry husband, and three sons live near the beautiful mountains and lakes of the Bernese Oberland. She is an editorial assistant at the Swiss Publishing House. Hanni loves to read (especially historical novels and biographies) and write. She also enjoys skiing, hiking, swimming, biking, and being involved in children’s activities.
Becki Knobloch
As a health educator, Becki Knobloch currently works full-time at Ozarks Family YMCA in Missouri as the Wellness Coordinator, though her heart is fully in ministry. It just so happens she is married to the pastor and they “pastor” four churches in beautiful Ozark Country. Their two girls are in academy, so they are emptynesters and mostly enjoying it. Becki loves to make friends and keep them. She also likes to garden, write, sing in trios and in groups, play the guitar, and spend time outdoors.
Magerova Tatijana Koltakova
Magerova Tatijana Koltakova was born in Arkangelszk, Russia. When she was one year old, her parents emigrated to Estonia. She was reared under Soviet rule by atheists parents. She heard very little about Jesus Christ until she turned 24 years old. She and her husband were married in 1986. Their lives consisted mostly on drugs and alcohol. Meeting Jesus changed everything. On May 19, 1990, they gave their hearts to Jesus. In 1992, her husband started his ministerial studies at the seminary and became a pastor. Magerova's life has completely changed. Love, joy, and peace, that can only be had in God, now fills her heart. She has three children. She helps her husband serve his churches, and she is director of the Rehabilitation Center for Drug and Alcohol addiction. Today, she has meaning in her life—to rescue fellow human beings.
Hepzibah Kore
Hepzibah Kore is the Shepherdess Coordinator for the Southern Asia Division in India. She and her husband have been in church-work ministry for 40 years. They have one daughter and two grandsons.
Betty Kramer
Betty Kramer is a pastor's wife, homemaker, and mother of three. Her hobbies include: yard sales, buying and selling antiques and collectibles for Investment, and doing jigsaw puzzles.
Marlene Krause
Marlene Krause is a ministry wife who writes from Australia.
Tina Krause
Tina Krause is an award-whining newspaper columnist and freelance writer. She has over 600 published columns, feature stories, editorials, and magazine articles. Tina is the mother of two grown sons: Jim, 26, and Jeff, 22. She and her husband, Jim, live in Valparaiso, Indiana.
Juanita Kretschmar
Juanita Kretschmar mothered three children; spent decades serving alongside Merlin, her pastor husband; by prayer led a New York health/community e-Van-gelism outreach and a tourist attraction ministry in Florida; and now serves two small churches and oversees a full-power FM station in the Florida Keys that reaches the world via Internet. She says "ALL credit to GOD, our CEO."
Heather Krick
Heather Krick, originally from South Africa, lives in California, USA, where she is wife to her husband in ministry and homeschool mom to their girls, Savannah and Heidi. She enjoys traveling, teaching, music, and home arts
Andrea Kross
Andrea Kross is a trained occupational therapist and health educator, but presently is a full-time homemaker and mom. Her husband, Nick Kross, is Assistant Youth Director for the South Queensland Conference. The Kross family includes two children: Nicholas (4) and Caitlin Rose (78 months).
Ludmila Krushenitskaya
Ludmila Krushenitskaya and her husband have a son, Oleg, who is an intern pastor in Russia, and a daughter, Albina, who is married to Oleg Resnichenko, the pastor of the Odessa Church in the Ukraine. Their four-year-old grandson, Timothy, likes to pray, preach and invite people to participate in worships. Ludmila enjoys helping people, reading, holding seminars for women and pastors' wives, and when possible, working in the garden.
Mrs. V. Kuhn
Mrs. V. Kuhn is the Shepherdess Coordinator at Maluku Mission Region and &so the BWA/Children/Adventist Horne Director, Her husband is the treasurer for that region in Indonesia,
Olive Kujur
Olive Kujur lived in New Delhi, India, when she wrote this article. She has since passed away. She enjoyed gardening, walking, interior decorating, reading and cooking.
Hora Harutyun Kumanova
Hora Harutyun Kumanova was born m 1938 in a small town near the city of Varna in Bulgaria. She was born into the Adventist truth. Her mother's sister had accepted the truth from a missionary evangelist, Brother Thomas, who served in Bulgaria at that time. Flora's husband, Kiril Kumanov, pastors the church in the city of Gabrovo.
Ramani Kurian
Ramani Kurian has served the church as a teacher, headmistress, and principal of higher secondary school and also associate professor at Spicer College in Pune, India. At present she is the associate director of women’s ministries and Shepherdess International at the Southern Asia Division in Pune, India. She has three sons. Her hobbies are reading, writing, and visiting neighbors and friends along with her pastor-husband to pray for them and encourage them.
Judy Kyser
Judy Kyser.